How has thrifting played a role in your life?
Ever since I started getting into fashion thrifting has been my favorite resource to build my closet for so many reasons.
Number one, it’s sustainable, which is an amazing plus. We’re pulling from what already exists, and what would normally be possibly in a landfill, possibly in the ocean. We’re taking those things and we’re making them beautiful again. We’re making them fashionable again. We’re making them fun again.
Number two, it’s cost effective. You can buy a lot of pieces for the price of one top at your favorite store. And now you can make 10 different outfits. It’s amazing.
Number three, there’s something creative about it because when you look through a thrift store, you’re kind of working with nothing.
There’s no trend racks, there’s no guidelines, it’s just you and these random pieces that came from God knows where and you have to make something out of it. And to me that’s really creative. I also love thinking about where these pieces have been before me. What stories they have, there’s something really special about that… and I love it!
“It’s great for the planet because we’re not creating more demand. We’re not creating more waste.”